Today's Good News

Author - Clay Corvin


11/11          Luke 20:45-47

Then, with the crowds listening, he turned to his disciples and said, 46 “Beware of these teachers of religious law! For they like to parade around in flowing robes and love to receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces. And how they love the seats of honor in the synagogues and the head table at banquets. 47 Yet they shamelessly cheat widows out of their property and then pretend to be pious by making long prayers in public. Because of this, they will be severely punished.”


Our relationship with the Lord is not something we have earned nor is it something we can boast about because it is all Jesus-a free gift.  He claims us we claim Him and through Him we live and exist and move and we owe all honor and glory to Him.  Jesus is Lord and we are called to live with this knowledge in this earthen vessel of our body.  We know Him and serve Him and one another. 



11/10          Luke 20:41-44

Then Jesus presented them with a question. “Why is it,” he asked, “that the Messiah is said to be the son of David? 42 For David himself wrote in the book of Psalms: ‘They said to my Lord, Sit in the place of honor at my right hand 43 until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.’ 44 Since David called the Messiah ‘Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?”


Jesus has always been with the Father & Holy Spirit-the three are ONE.  He is the Messiah, He came to our world, fully man and fully God.  He is Lord and He is Lord of all. 





11/09          Luke 20:37-40

“But now, as to whether the dead will be raised—even Moses proved this when he wrote about the burning bush. Long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died, he referred to the Lord as ‘the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ 38 So he is the God of the living, not the dead, for they are all alive to him.” 39 “Well said, Teacher!” remarked some of the teachers of religious law who were standing there. 40 And then no one dared to ask him any more questions.


We are alive in Christ.  He gives us eternal life.  We are with Him and will always be with Him.  Jesus is Lord. 




11/08          Luke 20:27-36

Then Jesus was approached by some Sadducees—religious leaders who say there is no resurrection from the dead. 28 They posed this question: “Teacher, Moses gave us a law that if a man dies, leaving a wife but no children, his brother should marry the widow and have a child who will carry on the brother’s name. 29 Well, suppose there were seven brothers. The oldest one married and then died without children. 30 So the second brother married the widow, but he also died. 31 Then the third brother married her. This continued with all seven of them, who died without children. 32 Finally, the woman also died. 33 So tell us, whose wife will she be in the resurrection? For all seven were married to her!” 34 Jesus replied, “Marriage is for people here on earth. 35 But in the age to come, those worthy of being raised from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage. 36 And they will never die again. In this respect they will be like angels. They are children of God and children of the resurrection.


God is in control.  He loves us and has a plan for our life and a plan for when we leave this Earth and relocate to live with Him.  His way is perfect.  His way is eternal.  We will never understand the eternal ways of the Lord until we stand in His presence.  God is good and all that He does is good. 




11/07          Luke 20:26

So they failed to trap him by what he said in front of the people. Instead, they were amazed by his answer, and they became silent.

Jesus is filled with all wisdom, mercy, grace and understanding.  His will was to do the will of the Father.  Remember He will give you this same wisdom, mercy, grace and understanding that He has if you will ask Him.  Jesus will equip you to live your life in a way that honors and glorifies God.  He is Lord of all. 


11/06          Luke 20:21-25

“Teacher,” they said, “we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think. You teach the way of God truthfully. 22 Now tell us—is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” 23 He saw through their trickery and said, 24 “Show me a Roman coin. Whose picture and title are stamped on it?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. 25 “Well then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”


Do the next right thing.  This will keep you out of despair and guide your steps for Godly living.  The Lord calls us to do right.  We often mess up and despair.  When you mess up DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING and you will find your way back to the Godly path.  Jesus is Lord. 


11/05          Luke 20:19-20

The teachers of religious law and the leading priests wanted to arrest Jesus immediately because they realized he was telling the story against them—they were the wicked farmers. But they were afraid of the people’s reaction. 20 Watching for their opportunity, the leaders sent spies pretending to be honest men. They tried to get Jesus to say something that could be reported to the Roman governor so he would arrest Jesus.

Jesus knew what the religious wanted to do.  He knows what you are struggling with and what it will take to fix the problems you face.  Jesus is able.  Remember that you are not alone and the Lord of all is with you. 


11/04          Luke 20:14-18

“But when the tenant farmers saw his son, they said to each other, ‘Here comes the heir to this estate. Let’s kill him and get the estate for ourselves!’ 15 So they dragged him out of the vineyard and murdered him. “What do you suppose the owner of the vineyard will do to them?” Jesus asked. 16 “I’ll tell you—he will come and kill those farmers and lease the vineyard to others.” “How terrible that such a thing should ever happen,” his listeners protested. 17 Jesus looked at them and said, “Then what does this Scripture mean? ‘The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.’ 18 Everyone who stumbles over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone it falls on.”


JESUS is the Rock.  He is a stone that mankind cannot crush.  He is able to deal with any situation.  Jesus calls us to obedience and will not tolerate disobedience.  Yes our God is merciful and gracious but obedience is His direction to us-obey me. 


11/03          Luke 20:9-13
Now Jesus turned to the people again and told them this story: “A man planted a vineyard, leased it to tenant farmers, and moved to another country to live for several years. 10 At the time of the grape harvest, he sent one of his servants to collect his share of the crop. But the farmers attacked the servant, beat him up, and sent him back empty-handed. 11 So the owner sent another servant, but they also insulted him, beat him up, and sent him away empty-handed. 12 A third man was sent, and they wounded him and chased him away. 13 “‘What will I do?’ the owner asked himself. ‘I know! I’ll send my cherished son. Surely they will respect him.’


The Lost always act like the lost.  They are blind in their sin.  They do not know how to do anything other than be against God.  We know Jesus and He calls us to care for the poor and evangelize the Lost. 


11/02          Luke 20:3-8

“Let me ask you a question first,” he replied. 4 “Did John’s authority to baptize come from heaven, or was it merely human?” 5 They talked it over among themselves. “If we say it was from heaven, he will ask why we didn’t believe John. 6 But if we say it was merely human, the people will stone us because they are convinced John was a prophet.” 7 So they finally replied that they didn’t know. 8 And Jesus responded, “Then I won’t tell you by what authority I do these things.”

Jesus is the authority.  He knows us.  He cares for us.  Do not fear because Jesus knows the answer to all the questions we have about life.  He is Lord.