02/16 Matthew 12:22-25
22 Then a demon-possessed man, who was blind and couldn’t speak, was brought to Jesus. He healed the man so that he could both speak and see. 23 The crowd was amazed and asked, “Could it be that Jesus is the Son of David, the Messiah?” 24 But when the Pharisees heard about the miracle, they said, “No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons.” 25 Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, “Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding will fall apart.
Jesus said He was the Son of God and that He and the Father were One. You and I believe by faith that Jesus is Lord and that He has paid the price for our sin, forgives us of our sin and sinfulness and brings us into the Family of God. He is Lord and praise God that we believe in Him.