Today's Good News

November 1998

November 1 .. Galatians 6:7-8
Things change. They can change for good or bad. Our thoughts are the seeds we plant to shape our future. Plant thoughts that bear the fruit of righteousness. Turn your thoughts to the Lord. Let Him have your attention and devotion. Good thoughts bear good change. Jesus stands beside us we go through change.

November 2 .. Galatians 5: 19-22
Are you constantly struggling to deal with deeds of the flesh in your life? The trouble is you. Go to a quiet place and meet with the Lord. Set a time for the meeting and ask the Lord to focus your mind and quiet your heart. Confess your deeds of the flesh to the Lord. Ask Him to enable you to change. Surrender your will to Him. From that moment forward walk on the Lord’s path. You will find Godly change begin to take hold in your life. The Lord is faithful.

November 3 .. 1 John 3:16-18
Love is not a feeling it is an action. When you tell people you love them and do something to hurt them you are lying. Saying you love doesn’t make it so. Doing for others says you love them. Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sin. Jesus loves you.

November 4 .. Luke 6:35
This is a hard saying for Sunday Christians. You cannot love those that mistreat you apart from the power of God in your life. We love those that hate us not because they are lovely but because we are forgiven. God’s forgiveness of our sin releases us from bondage to sin. We are saved to serve those that hate us.

November 5 .. John 15:13
We are called to live lives of diligent servitude. We are birthed into God’s kingdom so that we can serve. Our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the powers and principalities of the air. These evil minions seek to addict us to a self-centered, me-first lifestyle. Christ calls us to a servant lifestyle. There is a difference. Know how to tell? Whose feet have you washed today?

November 6 .. John 15:11
The winds of change may buffet us but Jesus is always with us. Jesus guards our heart. He brings an inner joy that overcomes failure. We may fail at everything we do but when we walk with the Lord he guards our joy. Consistent times with Christ the Lord fills us with indestructible joy.

November 7 .. John 16:20
We are misfits in this world. It promotes death we die for life. It favors greed we value selflessness. The world rejects forgiveness and instead honors might. Keep your eye on the future and live beside the Lord’s promises. You are not alone.

November 8 .. Hebrews 12:2
There is something in your life right now that is causing you deep pain and misery. For whatever reason you continue to fix this problem on your own. Lay it on the altar before Jesus. Everytime you face this problem stop where you are and quietly turn to Christ. Simply say to Jesus, Lord I’ve been trying to fix this on my own. Help me deal with this problem. Jesus endured the cross for you. Let Him have your pains and misery.

November 9 .. John 14:27
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. Don’t fear the present for the Lord is here with you. Give Him your past, His forgiveness is complete and total. Forget the worry the future brings for when we get there, it will be now and He is with us. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.

November 10 .. Hebrews 12:14-15
A right relationship with God is the foundation for a right relationship with our fellow man. Sin always blocks our vision of the Lord. When we dislike the folks around us we create an opportunity for evil to grow. Resentment, jealousy, dissension, and immorality are the fruits of a selfish and bitter life. We should immediately repent and turn to the Lord. Do not be fooled, you can’t love the Lord and hate your fellowman.

November 11 .. Philippians 4:6-7
God has you first on His list. He will take care of you. Do you believe that? Then stop worrying. Everytime you feel a sense of anxiety, talk to the Lord instead of yourself. Put your emotions in His hands. Ask Him to give you an actively peaceful heart.

November 12 .. Ephesians 4:1-2
We feel unimportant. However, we are representatives of the Sovereign Lord, Jesus Christ. Humility, gentleness, patience, understanding, forgiveness, and peacefulness are all characteristics of Christ. People are watching you. Does your life resonate with Christ likeness?

November 13 .. Colossians 1:9-11
How in the world can we add additional stuff to lives that are already too busy? Ever find yourself in that shape? Christ calls us to a relationship with Him. This is a simpler lifestyle than the world fashions. In Christ we find the time and resources that we need to accomplish the task He has set before us. Focus on Jesus and He will focus on you.

November 14  .. 1 Peter 2:20
Who do you love? Jesus died on the Cross that you might have a relationship with God. He loves you. His love provides the opportunity for your relationship with the Father. Love is an action not a feeling. Do the right thing each time you face life’s challenges. This action of love brings a smile to the Face of God.

November 15 Proverbs 14:22
Always planning good is one of the characteristics of a wise person. We can choose what we plan to do. Good or evil is a choice that we must make in every plan that we prepare. But as for me and my house we will follow the Lord. Make plans for good each day.

November 16 Micah 6:8
Are you fair in your dealings with other people? When people wrong you are you merciful in your treatment and thoughts towards them? Are you learning to be humble? Pleasing God involves caring for each person in our lives. Jesus died that all might have life. Each person we come into contact with is a person that Christ died for. Obey God and look to your daily habits.

November 17 Colossians 3:12
I am interested in what God thinks. God thinks about people. He loves people. He is interested in all people receiving His love and knowing that God loves them. I deal with people many times each day. If I am interested in what God thinks, I will deal with these people in love. You should too.

November 18 Romans 12:2
This world is selfish. When we follow the ways of the world we become corrupt and useless. Daily we are called to renew our minds with the Word and presence of the Living Lord. This takes time and commitment. Today, as you struggle with the world be warned about your devotional life. No time with the Lord translates into defeat and impotence. Daily time with the Lord is our need.

November 19 Philippians 4:8
God’s Word is the change agent in our lives. We need to pay careful attention when we read the Word of God in our daily devotions. Consistent, continual reading of the Word of God prepares our minds, convicts us of our sin and directs our hearts. This kind of preparation enables us to stand in the time of temptation instead of walking with temptation.

November 20 1 Timothy 5:25
We are called to live Godly lives. Whether we are noticed or obscure we cannot escape this basic Christian responsibility. The promise we have from the Lord is that everything we do for the cause of Christ will be revealed. Some acts will be revealed in this life and some in the life to come. The Lord has His reasons and we know they are good. He loves each one of us as if we were the only one. What a savior. You are beloved of God.

November 21 Matthew 25:21
God expects our faithfulness. Are you in a little place? God wants you to know that there are no little places in His kingdom. Are you in a big place? God wants you to know that He has put you there to be faithful to Him. Temptation will find you wherever you are. The Lord calls each one of us to be found faithful where we are. Our faithfulness cannot wait until we are where we would like to be. Bloom where the Lord plants you, in Jesus name.

November 22 Revelation 2:10
Satan is our adversary. Do not be confused when tribulation comes your way, it is not from the Lord, it is from Satan. If you are struggling like a puppet on a string call out to the Lord for help. Stand fast and hold on to the promises of God for the Lord will come to your aid. He may bring comfort or change but He will come to you. The Lord is a loving and caring Father and He will not neglect a single one of His children.

November 23 2 Timothy 2:13
Jesus’ faithfulness deserves our deepest gratitude. His faithfulness to us is not dependent on our actions. There will be a time when our faith is weak. Maybe there will even be a time when we are unfaithful to the Lord. When we discover our situation and repent the grief will be deep. The heart of the Lord Jesus Christ is focused on us as individuals. He loves us based on His promise and not our performance. Love is the way that Jesus is and faithfulness is the way that He responds.

November 24 Titus 3:1-2
Christians cannot survive in a wicked society without the power of God controlling their lives. We would wake up everyday wondering what to do or say, never sure if we were doing the right thing. When Jesus comes into our lives He brings the power of God without measure. We will have what we need for every situation. It takes great power to be a peaceful, Godly citizen in a wicked society. In Jesus you have that power. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

November 25 Galatians 6:1
We cannot afford to have pharisaical attitudes towards others when they sin. This is an open door for Satan to attack us. What we should do is reach out a helping hand with the knowledge that, but for the grace of God we too could be in the same mess. Fellow Christians that have fallen need our forgiveness and help. Our love for them will help them as they go through the process of repentance and restoration. When we help the fallen we are doing the Lord’s work in Jesus name.

November 26 1 Peter 3:15
Christ is the Lord, whether or not we make Him Lord of our lives. We must be willing to spend the time to get to know the Lord or we will be doomed to third party conversations about Jesus. For us to speak about the Lord in a kind and gentle way, we must know Him. When we have a constant relationship with the Lord, we will have something to say when someone asks us about out faith. Our faith is not what we think about but what we do. Jesus will lead you by your hand every single day.

November 27 1 Corinthians 9:27
It is easy to tell others how to live and then forget to take our own advice. When we preach Christ and fail to practice a Christlike life we turn off other Christians and disqualify ourselves from helping others. Hypocrisy is a disease that is easy to see in others but hard to recognize in our own lives. Live by the Word of God and He will point our your sin. Jesus loves you.

November 28 1 Timothy 4:7
Our spiritual health is critically important. We cannot face temptation or survive tragedies without being in a strong spiritual condition. Check your spiritual strength. Are you practicing your faith everyday? Is the Word of God your constant companion? When you stumble do your curse or pray? Get on a good spiritual training program. Only you by the power of the Lord Jesus can change your spiritual health.

November 29 2 Peter 1:5-8
Faith is not a belief in certain facts. Godly faith is our actions that result in growth in character, moral lifestyle, knowing Christ better, self-control, patience, godliness and loving others. Change to become like Christ takes hard work and careful attention. We should regularly review how we living and what we are doing in the light of God’s love for us in Christ. God empowers and enables, we choose each day whether we will accept God’s leadership and grow.

November 30 Galatians 6:9
Weariness is an attack on our souls. When we become weary, we are prone to look at things through our own eyes and our own strength. This calls for immediate attention on our part. Get before the Lord in prayer and ask Him to bring you the strength to overcome your weariness. He will send exactly what you need and you will survive. Our lives are sometimes simply a matter of survival. Jesus is the conqueror, we are His and in Christ we can survive.

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Clay Corvin

Clay Corvin is currently a Bible Teacher and occasional preacher at Bethel Community Baptist Church in New Orleans. He is the retired VP Business and Professor of Admin at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary after completing 38 years as their Business Administrator. He was the pastor at the Brantley Baptist Center for twenty-five years. He is married to Carol Corvin and the father of three children and has three grandchildren. He ministers today as Co-pastor of the Bethel Community Baptist Church and seeks to share the Gospel with everyone. Jesus is Lord!