Today's Good News

June 1999

6/1/99 Psalm 4:1
We harbor thoughts of helplessness. When we are honest with God, we find resolution for our fears. Our pleas are always heard. His answer is always forthcoming. I choose to believe His response. God loves each one of us as if there were no other of us.

6/2/99 Psalm 28:2-3
Unlike the wicked we are to be straight forward and sincere in all or our relationships. The Lord has full knowledge of who we are and what we are. Honesty in our relationship with the Lord is the only way that we can succeed.

6/3/99 Psalm 61:1-3
Time or distance does not limit God. He knows us better than we know ourselves. The Lord is a strong protector of His people wherever they are. He will provide the shelter that we need. He safeguards us when we are under attack.

6/4/99 Psalm 86:1-2
I find it amazing that we can pray so boldly to the Lord. In your quiet time, use God’s Words to voice your need. Bold praying produces miraculous results. The Lord listens to our prayers.

6/5/99 Psalm 143:8
We need to be specific in our prayers. Tell the Lord exactly what your needs are. When the Lord hears us He will answer us. He gives us more than 7,000 promises in His Word. One of those promises says that the Lord will answer our prayers. Tell Him what you need and remind Him of His promise. God loves to hear from each one of His children.

6/6/99 Daniel 9:18
We never know the hurt and pain that others go through. But, we are keenly aware of our own pain when we are hurting. The Lord knows our hurt. He experiences our pain. Out of His deep love for us, He sends grace to heal our souls. We never deserve grace. God’s grace sends mercy just in time. The Lord is in the hurt healing business. God loves us with a healing love.

6/7/99 Jonah 2:7-9
Pain and agony are the proving ground for spiritual growth. Few Christians find consistent growth in the midst of good times. We claim the good things as our work and the bad things as misfortune. The truth is that the hard times shape us for kingdom service. In the midst of your hurt and pain call upon the Lord. You can be confident that the Lord is at work helping you grow. God is good, all the time.

6/8/99 Matthew 6:5-6
God wants you to succeed. Speak to the Lord constantly and consistently. He wants to hear from you. Your conversation with the Lord will change your life. Pray daily.

6/9/99 Matthew 21:21-22
Our prayer life must first be effective in changing us. In most of the struggles in my life, I will generally be the problem. God can solve my problems. Moving mountains is simple when compared to changing the things in my life that cause me to sin. God loves people most of all.

6/10/99 Luke 11:9-10
Constancy in prayer creates an inner focus. We are always in need of change. Sin has a way of creeping in unnoticed. When we are focused before the Lord he will help us to see our sin and change. The greatest need that we have in our lives is to become more like Jesus. Sin is always our stumbling block. God forgives sin and heals us.

6/11/99 Colossians 4:2
We are to pray with a passionate heart. Our prayer should be intensive and desperate. We are sinful, stiff necked people and only change when the Lord intervenes. Thank you Lord for all of the changes that you have made in my life. I believe Lord Jesus, help my unbelief.

6/12/99 I Timothy 4:4-5
My life is a gift from God. I am the one that chooses how I will respond to the blessings that God sends my way. Joy is a choice. God is good all the time.

6/13/99 James 5:16
Pious attitudes cut off our communion with the Father. Each one of us has a lifelong struggle with sin. Our responsibility is to develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit pointing out our sin. Sin recognized needs to be confessed. When we confess our sin, He is faithful and righteous to forgive our sin.

6/14/99 Psalm 119: 45
If I follow God’s law, I am free to be God’s child. In Christ, we have real freedom. The world offers temporary freedom with eternal consequences. Christ offers eternal freedom with permanent benefits. My way is hurt and pain. God’s way is peace and security.

6/15/99 Isaiah 49:9-11
We will experience trials and suffering all the days of our life. We will never be without the resources of God. When we are hurting, the Lord brings healing. When we are at our wits end, the Lord provides wisdom. Whatever our need, the Lord will provide it. Faith is learning to recognize this fact in the midst of conflict or attack and claiming the resources available to us.

6/16/99 Romans 8:21-23
The world is physically decaying and spiritually dead. God’s children know this but because we are his we do not have to live pessimistic lives. The protecting hand of the Lord is on each one of us that name the name of Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We have a hope that enables us to live resurrected lives under the direct leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ.

6/17/99 I Corinthians 1:30
God is our source. His son, Jesus Christ is the answer to all of the problems in our life. Jesus is God’s everything. He is the a to z. Our union and identification with Jesus gives us full access to the Father.

6/18/99 1 Corinthians 8:9
One day I realized that I was my brother’s keeper. Maturity in Christ enabled me to see that my faith equipped me to care for others. In Christ I accept this responsibility. I can sacrifice the pettiness of the flesh for protection of my brother.

6/19/99 I Corinthians 10:29-33
God loves people most of all. The Lord is at work in the world seeking to save those that are lost. He has chosen to do this work through people. People connecting with people, sharing the Gospel is the way that the message of salvation is spread. God loves people most of all.

6/20/99 II Corinthians 3:17-18
You can’t be like Jesus if you don’t spend time with Him. My life is shaped and molded into the likeness of Christ as I surrender more of me to Him. It takes time. I am the only one that can control my time. How much time have you spent with the Wonderful One today? Jesus is Lord of all.

6/21/99 Galatians 4:4-6
God’s timing is perfect. He always has our best interest at heart. If you are struggling for an answer to one of life’s problems, trust the Lord. He will bring the right thing at the right time into your life. Trust and obey.

6/22/99 Galatians 5:13
I am free to do right. I am no longer in bondage and slavery to sin. Satan’s way is not my way. I can forgive the mean spirited. Those that hate me are objects of prayer. When I am abused, I can forgive. My world is now a better place for I am free from the pessimism and darkness all around. Jesus is in control and I belong to Him.

6/23/99 Colossians 1:13-14
We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. The rebel king has been deposed. We have been rescued from devastation and placed in a position of security. This is a past, present and future event. We will never again be in the dark. God rules.

6/24/99 1 Peter 2:16
Our limitations in this world cause us to stumble at every turn. We never know exactly the right thing to do. We live our lives with high anxiety or lack of concern. High anxiety and lack of concern creates addictions. Slavery to God puts us under His authority and destroys our addiction to sin. Under His control we find real freedom. His guidance of our every step gives us the wisdom we need to avoid sin and to make good decisions. Freedom is found in Jesus.

6/25/99 Psalm 34:6
What I think makes me who I am. The battlefield of spiritual warfare is in the mind. As the Evil One attacks, I can choose to give into negative thoughts or I can choose to turn my face to the Lord and seek His input into my mind. He promises to help me in my hour of need. I can claim that promise. Victory is mine in Christ.


6/26/99 Isaiah 44:22
Careless living could be a good description of the way we live sometimes. Life catches us unawares and becomes a swirling vortex of useless activity. Bible study and quiet times become things that we dream of doing someday. God has forgiven our sin today. Our study and devotion is always a today thing. Return the Lord says to what you know is the right way. Right now, stop what you are wasting your time with and invest yourself in our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

6/27/99 Isaiah 58:6-8
Sincere faith reaches out to others. Our relationship with the Father will cause us to invest our lives in others. People count. We need to examine our lives and make sure that we are putting people first. Jesus does.

6/28/99 John 8:31-32
Jesus is the truth. He frees us from the consequences of our sin. He enables us to see ourselves the way we are and to break free from the control of Satan. Jesus shows us clearly the way of eternal life with the Father and indeed provides eternal life for us. The Perfect One has a Perfect Plan for each one of us. He gives us freedom to accomplish that Plan.

6/29/99 John 8:34-36
Sin is a dictator. It is always seeking to enslave us to accomplish its goal, our annihilation. When you feel sin controlling, dominating, or dictating your actions turn to Jesus. Stop where you are, simply ask Jesus to move you out of the sin and put you under His control. Faith moves mountains. Jesus destroys sin every time we give Him control.

6/30/99 Romans 6:6-7
We are alive in Christ. No longer are we dead in our sin. When Christ came into our lives, He came with sin destroying power. I can choose not to sin. Sin can no longer lead me around as a slave for I am a child of God. The only power sin has in my life is the power of duplicity. Jesus names my sin and leads me out of it every time. Christ is Lord. He is the real power in the world.

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Clay Corvin

Clay Corvin is currently a Bible Teacher and occasional preacher at Bethel Community Baptist Church in New Orleans. He is the retired VP Business and Professor of Admin at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary after completing 38 years as their Business Administrator. He was the pastor at the Brantley Baptist Center for twenty-five years. He is married to Carol Corvin and the father of three children and has three grandchildren. He ministers today as Co-pastor of the Bethel Community Baptist Church and seeks to share the Gospel with everyone. Jesus is Lord!